久病未癒, 但我還是堅持講我的話。
十八年前的事, 是真切的發生過的。
那架大型車子如何肆意地輾過的, 還記得一清二楚。
有些年輕的小伙子, 身上沾滿紅紅的, 卻是沒有氣息的。
不堪回首, 不想回憶, 但不敢忘記----那個某年某月日的事。
有些人企圖想掩飾它的真相, 瞞騙我們下一代。
要別人尊重, 首先要尊重和正確面對歷史, 否則只會成為別人每年一度的大話柄。
不期望有生之年會有被平反的一日, 但能把正確地灌輸歷史予未來的主人翁, 已是問心無愧。
今天是您的生日, 但每逢到了這一天, 總是勾起我和您甜蜜但傷痛的回憶。
不僅是那件大事, 還有的是和您一起的日子。
今天在您身邊的不再是我, 但希望您往後的日子過得愉快。
不用惦念, 祝一切安好。
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【2020年唯一介紹無綫劇集《降魔的2.0》】 「今日唔係終結,而係一個過程,一個新嘅開始。」 睇慣我寫的電視介紹文,係甚少介紹無綫劇集,近兩年來只係一年一至兩套(上年本來想寫《金宵大廈》,卻忙於功課而作罷),《降魔的2.0》或者係自己今年唯一一套會寫的電視介紹文...
有關人等, 請留意(如果有blogger/朋友睇到, 請幫手通知有關人等, 排名不分先後, 少了您那份請揚聲)。 CK: 有朋友問我, CK是否真有其人, 以及想請教下做甚麼生意竟然會有人收購兼發大來做; 我想send email給您, 但又怕您會見笑, 所以...係咁意俾少少h...
最近天氣時冷時暖, 又工作量以倍數地增加, 又要交project assignment, 身子不好, 皮膚敏感又發作; 又焦慮又少許情緒抑鬱; 所以, 需要多點休息和時間處理, 暫時不開新文章, 留言依舊, 直至所有情況得到改善為止。 抱歉......
三位美女一個(?)(請自己填寫) 兩星期前, ABCD四人相約在地球裡一個很小很小的角落相聚。 四個人, 其實可以湊成一枱麻雀了, 因此可以稱為「三(???)」(四字詞語, 請填寫)。 晚上的天空雖然不時下著雨, 但似乎無損相見的興致。 對A而言, 其實已經分別和B、D正面地相見...
身體好了點嗎? 繼續努力哦
謝謝你的光臨, 我也真的要好好考慮~
Hi Karen,
Hm, "文字兼策劃工作者".
btw, have you recovered yet?
This is some kind of strange allergic reaction. If you were severe enough to go to hospital, your situation would likely attract some interests, and get you do a number of blood tests to identify the likely source. No matter what is the source, the ultimate bodily reaction is just severe allergy - ordinary antihistamine (like those for treating running nose) is not strong enough, so a new type of antihistamine will be prescribed to you (forgotten the drug name). If your situation persists, you can try Baptist hospital (as only private hospital is allowed to use expensive drugs). It is expensive (consultation fee), but you can get the drug name afterward and buy it over-the-counter in most pharmacist.
It's interesting to write a blog, but due to time concern, I couldn't do that at the moment, esp. if one wants to say something a bit useful, then the content need to be carefully worded. Moreover, my topic of interest - neuropsychology or even general psychology - is quite abstract and scientific, need a lot of processing to turn them into daily wordings or stories.. so it would be better for me just to comment on interesting blogs (at least at the moment)
Have a nice weeknend!
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